Soil adapt to current regulations

In many occasions, a simple accident for slipping can turn into a serious problem for people. Statistical data confirm that we should pay attention to these accidents and the effective norms that regulate the safety of the floors in front of the slipping.

Falls for slipping cause social problems, in Europe it is the 6ª cause of death. Slips cause economic problems for hospitalization, costs, compensations, etc. Slips even cause new illnesses such as the post-fall syndrome.


What does Antides offer?

Antides is offering a whole range of slip solutions in any surface, such as flooring or shower and bath. This solution includes:

  • Application of the product.
  • Annual review for the duration of the warranty.
  • Integral Service maintenance during the warranty period, at no charge with Free supply of special product for maintenance of the treated zones.
  • Adaptation of the treated soil to the European Directive, Law on Health and Safety at Work and European Basic Guidance for Safety in Swimming Pools.
  • Certificate of warranty.
  • Measurement of the slipperiness of the ground using an external laboratory approved by the Ministry of industry.

Anti-Slip Antides are non-abrasive products formulated especially, giving an anti-slip property to the area where the product is applied, avoiding falls both in dry and wet, leaving the treated floor adapted to the regulations and laws in force.

Our anti slip applications do not alter the characteristics of the floor, they don´t change its appearance, color or brightness of the pavement. The product is technically tested and it is a non-residual product that doesn´t create any risk to the environment.

Anti-Slip Antides is not considered by the National Institute of Toxicology as a dangerous product. It is not inflammable, it doesn´t generate health risks to the people who apply. It executes the effective legislation on biodegradability and the sanitary technical regulation.


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